Course Content#
IPC - Inter-Process Communication
——Shared Memory——#
- The parent agrees on the shared data location before giving birth
- Related interface: shm*
Allocate a System V type shared memory segment [Segmented Memory]
[PS] The communication method of System V is still in use; its startup method has been abandoned
- man shmget
- Prototype
- Return value type: int
- Parameter types: key_t, size_t, int
- ipc → Inter-Process Communication
- Description
- The key passed in and the id returned are linked together
- The size of the new shared memory segment corresponds to the integer page size [Ceiling]
- Creating shared memory requires a flag: IPC_CREAT
- If IPC_CREAT is not present, it will check the user's access permissions for the segment corresponding to the key
- Note: Permissions must also be specified with at least 9 bits, such as 0600, the leading 0 cannot be omitted
- Return value
- On success, returns a valid memory identifier [id]; on error, returns -1 and sets errno
- After obtaining the id through the key, how to find the corresponding address? shmat 👇
shmat, shmdt#
Shared memory operations [attach, attach; detach, detach]
- man shmat
- Prototype
- Note that the return value of shmat is: void *
- Description
- shmat
- Attaches the shared memory segment specified by the id to the calling process's own address space
- Each process believes it is using a separate contiguous memory block [Virtual Memory Technology]
- Reference Wikipedia
- Each process believes it is using a separate contiguous memory block [Virtual Memory Technology]
- shmaddr specifies the attachment address:
- NULL: System automatically attaches [Common]
- Otherwise, attaches to the automatically rounded down address [SHM_RND defined in shmflg] or manually ensures page-aligned addresses
- A successful call will update the shared memory structure shmid_ds
- shm_nattach: Number of attachments. The real physical space corresponding to shared memory may be attached by multiple processes
- shmdt
- It is the opposite operation of shmat
- The operation must be on the currently attached address
- shmat
- Return value
- On success, shmat returns the address, shmdt returns 0
- On error, returns -1 and sets errno
- The id is unique across the entire system, the same id must correspond to the same physical memory
- [Note] The same id returns different addresses through shmat, because it manifests as independent address spaces in different processes [Concept of Virtual Memory]
- Speaking of which, shmget obtains the id through the key, shmat obtains the memory address through the id, but how is the [key] obtained? 👇
Converts a pathname and a project identifier into a System V IPC key
- man ftok
- Prototype
- Requires a pathname and an int type variable to complete the conversion
- Description
- The file must exist and be accessible
- proj_id must have at least 8 valid bits and cannot be 0
- The same filename and proj_id correspond to the same return value
- Therefore, fixed input parameters return a fixed key
- Return value
- On success, returns key; on failure, returns -1 and sets errno
Control of shared memory
- man shmctl
- Prototype
- cmd: command, int type. Predictably some uppercase macro definitions
- Description
- You can see the detailed information of the shmid_ds structure
- Some commands
- IPC_STAT: Copy shmid_ds structure information to buf [must have read permission]
- IPC_SET: Modify shmid_id structure
- IPC_RMID: Mark the segment to be destroyed
- The segment will only be truly destroyed when the shared memory segment is not attached
- No buf variable is needed, just set it to NULL
- [PS] Must check if it is really destroyed, otherwise there may be remnants [can be checked through return value]
- IPC_INFO [Linux specific, to avoid compatibility issues, try to avoid using]
- Return value
- Generally: 0, success [except INFO, STAT]; -1, error
——Thread Related——#
From the thread library [pthread]
Mutex, condition variables
[PS] Multithreading, high concurrency, when using shared memory, mutual exclusion must be considered
[Mutex] Operation mutex
- man pthread_mutex_init, etc.
- lock: When using lock, it checks if it is already locked, if locked, it will suspend until unlocked [possible blocking point]
- init: Dynamic initialization method, requires the use of attribute variable
- Attribute interface: pthread_mutexattr_*
- init: Initialization
- In the initialization function, attr is an output parameter, return value is 0
- setpshared: Set inter-process sharing
- pshared variable is of int type, which is actually a flag
- 0: Private between processes; 1: Shared between processes → Corresponds to macros PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED
- init: Initialization
- Basic operations of mutex: Create attribute variable 👉 Initialize mutex 👉 Lock/Unlock operations, see code demonstration——Shared Memory [Mutex]
[Condition Variable] Control conditions
- man pthread_cond_init, etc.
- Structure is very similar to mutex
- Condition variables are a synchronization device that allows threads to suspend and release processor resources until a certain condition is met
- Basic operations: Send condition signal, wait for condition signal
- ⭐ Must be associated with a mutex to avoid race conditions: It is possible that one thread is ready to wait for a condition before another thread has already sent a signal, leading to missed messages
- init: Initialization can use attribute variables [but in fact, in Linux thread implementation, attribute variables are ignored]
- signal: Will only wake up 1 thread that is waiting; if there are no waiting threads, nothing happens
- broadcast: Will wake up all waiting threads
- wait
- ① Unlock mutex and wait for condition variable to activate [True atomic operation]
- ② Before wait returns [before the thread is restarted / after receiving the signal], the mutex will be locked again
- [PS]
- When calling wait, the mutex must be in a locked state
- While waiting, it will not consume CPU
- ❗ The section in the yellow box in the image
- Ensures that during the wait unlock mutex -> prepare to wait period [atomic operation], other threads will not send signals
- ❓ At this time, the mutex has been unlocked, so this atomic operation may still need to use something similar to a mutex
- ❓ It seems that wait can prepare to wait first -> then unlock the mutex, which is normal logic, but unlocking first and then performing an atomic operation, what is the significance of unlocking first?
Code Demonstration#
Shared Memory [Without Locking]#
5 processes perform a cumulative sum from 1 to 10000
- ❗ Here the child directly uses the shared memory address share_memory inherited from the parent process [virtual address]
- It can be seen that the same virtual address in different processes points to the same shared memory [physical memory]
- If the child obtains the shared address through the inherited shmat and id, it will correspond to a new virtual address in the child process, but still point to the same shared memory, and the originally inherited shared address share_memory can also be used
- ❗ How to achieve true destruction after using shared memory
- Use shmdt to detach the shared memory attached in all processes [experimentally, this step can be omitted because the process will automatically detach upon termination]
- Then use shmctl with IPC_RMID to destroy the shared memory segment [remove shmid]
- [PS]
- Each process counts as one attachment, and when the attachment count is 0, shmctl will truly destroy the memory segment
- You can also remove the IPC_EXCL flag from shmget to not check if it already exists, but this is not a fundamental solution
- If the above shmctl operation is not performed
- The first execution is fine, indicating that the shared memory segment was successfully created
- But the second execution shows that the file already exists
- This indicates that the shared memory was not automatically destroyed after the last execution, and the second execution still uses the same key to create shared memory [each time the same key corresponds to a different shmid]
- [Exploration Process]
- ipcs: Display IPC related resource information
- You can see the undestroyed shared memory, as well as message queues and semaphores
- And their keys, ids, permission perms
- You can also see that their nattch is 0, indicating that there are no attachments
- ipcrm: Delete IPC resources
- The usage of parameters can be viewed through --help
- Resources can be removed by key or id
- Manually delete resources and then run the program:
ipcs | grep [owner] | awk '{print $2}' | xargs ipcrm -m && ./a.out
- ipcs: Display IPC related resource information
- ❗ The essence of the following error [personal understanding]
- The correct cumulative sum from 1 to 10000 should be 50005000
- Multiple processes simultaneously operating on shared memory [or] a read/write operation of one process is not fully completed before another process starts a new operation. For example:
- One process just increments now++, writes to memory, at this time another process gets the new now and increments it again, then adds the now incremented twice to the old sum
- That is, the operations now++ and sum accumulation are not atomic operations
- However, generally, the CPU speed is too fast, so it is very likely that the operations are atomic [now++ and sum accumulation writing to memory], with a very small probability of error
- Multi-core is more likely to produce calculation errors because a single processor can only run one process at a time
- [PS]
- When setting permissions, the first 0 in 0600 indicates the use of octal
- usleep(100): Makes the process sleep for 100ms, allowing one process to compute once and block, letting other processes continue, purely to reflect the division of labor
- Header files should be added according to the man manual
Shared Memory [Mutex]#
A more efficient lock in memory, similar to file locks [Refer to Example] idea
- Create mutex: Create attribute variable 👉 Initialize mutex
- Two conditions for using mutex between processes
- ① The mutex variable is placed in shared memory, shared with each process, thus controlling each process
- ② When creating the mutex in the parent process, set the created attribute variable for process sharing [default only works between threads]
- However, some kernels may not require this operation, but for compatibility, it is recommended to set it ❗
- [PS]
- After calculating the cumulative sum, remember to unlock
- The slowest operation in the system is IO operation, so unlocking before printf allows the mutex to be released earlier, which will be more efficient
- fflush can manually flush the buffer to avoid output confusion
Shared Memory [Condition Variable]#
Each process takes turns to calculate 100 times
- Initialization of cond condition variable, similar to mutex
- In the implementation of Linux threads, actually does not require attr attribute variable; same for mutex
- For single-core machines, before sending the condition signal each time, you need to usleep for a while to ensure that the child process is ready to wait for the signal. Otherwise,
- For the parent process, it executes first, sends the signal, and if it hasn't reached the turn for the child process to run, it will miss the signal
- For child processes, it is similar; before sending the signal, let other child processes run to the wait state first [in fact, usleep cannot guarantee this]
- ❗ Note
- There must be a locked mutex before wait
- Remember to unlock + send signal operation after each operation [100 calculations / completion of 10000 accumulations]
- There are two sequences for sending signal operations:
- ① Locking — Sending signal — Unlocking
- Disadvantage: The waiting thread is awakened from the kernel [→ user state], but because there is no mutex available to lock, unfortunately, it returns [from user state] to kernel space until there is a mutex available to lock
- Two context switches [between kernel state and user state] waste performance.
- Advantage:
- Ensures thread priority [❓]
- And in the Linux thread implementation, there are cond_wait queues and mutex_lock queues, so it will not return to user state, thus avoiding performance loss
- Disadvantage: The waiting thread is awakened from the kernel [→ user state], but because there is no mutex available to lock, unfortunately, it returns [from user state] to kernel space until there is a mutex available to lock
- ② Locking — Unlocking — Sending signal [This article adopts]
- Advantage: Ensures that threads in the cond_wait queue have a mutex available to lock
- Disadvantage: A low-priority thread that grabs the mutex may execute first
- Reference: Condition Variable pthread_cond_signal, pthread_cond_wait——CSDN
- ① Locking — Sending signal — Unlocking
- Implementation Effect
- Each process calculates 100 times in turn
- [PS] Even usleep cannot completely avoid message omission, a variable in shared memory can be used to record the sending of signals; additionally, there may also be cases of false wake-up
- Comprehensive solution methods, refer to False Wake-up && Message Omission——CSDN
if (!count) { // ->Message omission [not yet in wait state]
while (condition_is_false) { // ->False wake-up [waking multiple threads simultaneously]
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock);
Simple Chat Room#
- chat.h
- Username + message + standard for using shared memory
- 1.server.c
- The logic is basically similar to the previous code demonstration; note the clearing operation at the end, mainly for data safety
- 2.client.c
- Pay attention to the role of the while loop on line 41: Prevent the client from grabbing the lock, causing the server to not receive the signal
- There is also a hidden danger: A client may not be able to grab the lock, causing blocking
- [Note] When compiling 2.client.c with gcc, be sure to add -lpthread; otherwise, there will be no error, but at runtime, the server will not receive the signal
- Effect Demonstration
- Left is the server, right are two clients
Additional Knowledge Points#
- Related processes: between parent and child, between siblings
Points to Consider#
- Processes competing to calculate VS. Each process calculates one hundred times, which method is more efficient?
- The latter is more efficient; thinking to the extreme, a single process calculating everything is more efficient
- This involves the throughput issue of the CPU, this accumulation is CPU-intensive, not IO-intensive
- Refer to 4 Advanced Process Management——Processor-Constrained and IO-Constrained Processes
- Command to view IPC related resource information: ipcs
- For user threads, if one thread in a process crashes, all threads in the entire process will crash
- Movie recommendation before class: "Dances with Wolves" 1990
- Experience different cultures, with many quiet and beautiful scenes
- Extraction code: yqed