Shenzhen Settlement Guide

I. Application Conditions#

Students who meet all of the following conditions can apply:

  1. Have a full-time college diploma or higher from a regular higher education institution in China;
  2. Be in good health;
  3. Have not participated in any organizations or activities prohibited by the state, and have no criminal record.
  4. Have an "Employment Registration Certificate" issued for Shenzhen.

📢 Friendly Reminder:

  • Both the household registration and the file must be transferred to Shenzhen together;
  • The scope for recent graduates: full-time graduates from regular higher education institutions within 2 years of graduation.

II. Application Time#

Applications can be submitted year-round.

III. Required Materials#

  1. "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates" (hereinafter referred to as "Receiving Form"), apply and print it by logging into the system;
  2. "Employment Registration Certificate," provided by the school;
  3. "Household Registration Transfer Certificate," issued by the original place of residence (if the original household registration is within Guangdong Province, this is not required);
  4. Graduation certificate;
  5. ID card;
  6. Personal page of the original household registration.

IV. Confirming the Household Registration Location#

  1. Where can my household registration be attached?

Answer: According to the relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, students can freely choose one of the following 6 methods for household registration based on their actual situation:
① Personal or friend's property (public rental housing) registration;
② Spouse's family household;
③ Friend's family household;
④ Collective household of the spouse's unit;
⑤ Collective household of the employer;
⑥ Talent special household.

If students do not have options ① to ④, they can choose the household registration location based on the company they belong to (i.e., the social security payment unit):

Shopee can be registered under the company's police station talent special household (Nanshan District High-tech Park Police Station).

  1. All of the above also have the identity of Shenzhen household registration. The basic benefits and relevant rights enjoyed with Shenzhen household registration status remain consistent.

The police station talent special household is a multi-person household (i.e., multiple people share the same collective household registration book), and individuals receive a personal household registration card, without an independent household registration book.

V. Application Process (Personal Application)#

step1. Process the "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates"#

  1. Use IE browser to log into the Shenzhen Talent Introduction Business Application System, and for first-time login, please register through the Guangdong Provincial Unified Identity Authentication Platform for real-name authentication.
  1. Select [Receive Graduates]
  1. Fill in Personal Information
  • The ID card information field is automatically read by the system. If modifications are needed, please log into the Social Unified User Platform to make changes.
  • Administrative division of the place of transfer + registration authority (police station) of the place of transfer

① For students whose household registration is attached to personal or friend's property/family household, or spouse's unit collective household: choose the corresponding district level and police station based on the actual residence of the transfer.

② For students whose household registration is attached to a unit collective household/company's police station talent special household: administrative division of the place of transfer = "Nanshan District"; registration authority (police station) of the place of transfer = "High-tech Park Police Station".

  • Type of institution = the region where the graduating school is located; source of students = the household registration region before entering this school.
  • Application method = personal application; phone number: it is recommended to fill in Guangdong Province number first. If there is really none, you can fill in a number from outside Guangdong Province, but you may not receive SMS from the Public Security Bureau later. The solution can be found in [VI. Q&A--Q2].
  1. Submit and Print the Application Form
  • Click "Evaluate based on the current filled information."


  • Select the application basis: have a full-time college diploma or higher; method of obtaining talent introduction approval document = self-service printing; then click "Submit."
  • After the prompt information pops up, click "OK."
  • Return to the "Personal Information Filling and Evaluation" tab.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, click "Print the 'Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates'," then press ctrl+p to print. (Note: must be printed in color, three copies)

step2. Process the "Employment Registration Certificate"#

Please choose based on your situation:

  1. Students who have obtained the registration certificate through signing a tripartite agreement, with the registration certificate titled "Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau," do not need to process again.
  2. Students who have never obtained a registration certificate need to bring the "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates" and other materials required by the school to the school to process the registration certificate.
  3. Students who have processed a registration certificate once, but the registration certificate was dispatched to the original household registration location, not dispatched to Shenzhen, need to bring the "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates" and other materials required by the school to the school to process the reassignment of the registration certificate.

step3. Process the "Household Registration Transfer Certificate"#

  1. Original household registration within Guangdong Province: no need to process the "Household Registration Transfer Certificate";
  • 【Non-Shenzhen household registration within Guangdong Province】 does not need to return to the household registration location to process the transfer certificate

  1. Original household registration outside Guangdong Province: bring the "Application Form for Receiving Graduates" and "Registration Certificate" to the household registration location to process the "Household Registration Transfer Certificate," with the household registration address being Shenzhen.

For other questions related to processing the "Household Registration Transfer Certificate," please consult the police station at the household registration location.

step4. Upload Materials to the System#

  1. Complete the printed "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates" with personal information (signature, date, contact number).
  1. Scan the completed "Receiving Form," ID card (front and back), and graduation certificate in color separately.

  2. Use IE browser to enter the Shenzhen Talent Introduction Business Application System → Personal user login.

  3. Click on the "Upload Materials and Submit" tab, and upload the corresponding materials in the indicated positions.

  1. After uploading, click "Submit Registration."

step5. Process Household Registration and Registration Procedures#

  1. Recent graduates with non-Shenzhen household registration—process household registration (i.e., registration) procedures:
  • After uploading materials, please pay attention to SMS notifications, generally within 5 working days, you will receive a message from Shenzhen Public Security containing the household registration index card number information. After receiving it, follow the SMS instructions to process the household registration procedures. Note: If you have not received the SMS (for phone numbers outside Guangdong Province), you can check the index card number through the WeChat public account: follow the "Shenzhen Public Security" WeChat public account → select "Government Services" → view the "Household Administration" section → scroll to the bottom of the page for "Other Services" → click "Talent Introduction Household Registration Index Card Inquiry"; then follow the public account for updates.
  • Note:
    • You need to make an appointment in advance on the "Shenzhen Public Security" public account, generally for a time within two to three weeks;
    • Generally, you need the household registration index card number, registration certificate, household registration transfer certificate, ID card, second-generation ID card receipt, etc. For specifics, see the "Shenzhen Public Security" public account—Government Services—Service Guide—Receiving Graduates Household Registration Transfer:
    • Except for establishing a household or if the police station talent special household requires going to the intended household registration police station for processing, other situations can make an appointment to go to any police station in Shenzhen for processing.
  1. Recent graduates with Shenzhen household registration—can directly process registration procedures online.

step6. Material Archiving#

After completing the household registration and registration procedures for recent graduates, log into the Shenzhen Talent Introduction Business Application System to print the "Graduate Introduction Letter"; check the archiving status in advance; after the file arrives, submit the "Graduate Introduction Letter" and "Employment Registration Certificate" to the corresponding file management unit to be stored in the personnel file.

Materials to bring: "Graduate Introduction Letter," "Employment Registration Certificate," "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates," and ID card.

  1. Where to print the "Graduate Introduction Letter"——Shenzhen Local Treasure, example as follows:
  1. ❓ How to check the archiving status:
  • If the registration certificate is titled "Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau," check through this link;
  • If the registration certificate is titled "Nanshan District Talent and Employment Service Center," check the archive by calling 0755-26667551 (working hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00; 14:00-18:00);
  • Or call the archive room where the file is stored ☎️.

  1. ❓ How to check your file management unit: see the file management unit and address displayed below the "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates," for example 👇
  1. Special circumstances: If students have processed a reassignment of the registration certificate, they need to first bring the "Graduate Introduction Letter" and "Employment Registration Certificate" to the Nanshan Labor Building 301 Archive Room to obtain a "Business Adjustment Letter." Then take the "Business Adjustment Letter" to the location of the file to process the file transfer. Once the file is sent to Shenzhen, bring the "Graduate Introduction Letter" and "Employment Registration Certificate" to the Nanshan Labor Building 301 Archive Room for archiving.

step7. Apply for Talent Subsidy#

  1. ⚠ Application Notes:
  • Subsidy standards: 15,000 yuan for undergraduates, 25,000 yuan for master's degrees, 30,000 yuan for doctoral degrees.
  • Payment method: one-time payment. (Subsidies must be paid to the applicant's financial social security card, please handle and activate the financial social security card in time)
  • Application deadline: within one year from the date of issuance of the introduction approval document.
  • Specific policies and application guidelines can be found at: Shenzhen New Talent Housing and Living Subsidy.

  1. Application Conditions:
  • Have a full-time regular higher education bachelor's degree or above (the degree is based on what was declared when processing the introduction procedures);
  • Have paid social security in Shenzhen for more than one month with Shenzhen household registration, and the social insurance relationship is still in this city;
  • The applicant has not enjoyed housing preferential policies and is not currently renting public rental housing (including not currently renting housing that has enjoyed government guaranteed policies).

  1. Subsidy Application Tips:
  • When applying for subsidies, you need to pay social security normally in your unit (you can check the social security payment status on WeChat/Alipay/official website);
  • Use IE browser;
  • If the system requires uploading files, upload in pdf format;
  • Introduction unit: registration certificate title (xxxx center); working unit: contract entity.

VI. Q&A#

Q1: Can the company issue a "Receiving Letter"?#

Answer: The company cannot issue a "Receiving Letter." The original "Receiving Letter" is now the "Application Form for Receiving Regular College Graduates," which needs to be obtained by the student logging into the talent introduction system for evaluation, see step [V. Application Process-step1] in this document.

Q2: What if I filled in a phone number outside Guangdong Province during the application?#

Answer: Students who filled in a phone number outside Guangdong Province during the application may not receive SMS from the Public Security Bureau. They can check the index card number through the following two methods after uploading materials for 5 working days:

1. Follow the "Shenzhen Public Security" WeChat public account → select "Government Services" → scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Household Registration Index Card Inquiry";
2. Call the Public Security Bureau household registration consultation phone for inquiry: 0755-84465000 (working hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00~12:00, 14:00~18:00)
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