History | If the characters from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" were to apply for jobs in the internet industry, who would you choose?

Recently, several characters from the Three Kingdoms have come to your company for job applications. As an internet enterprise, the main positions currently open for recruitment are:

  1. Product Manager
  2. Operations
  3. Research and Development, Design
  4. Testing, Operations and Maintenance

Let's take a look at the resumes of these candidates!

Resume 1

The Prime Minister's professional abilities are beyond doubt, and he always manages to predict one step ahead of the enemy.

He accurately calculated all the possible retreat routes for Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, and even predicted Guan Yu's release of Cao Cao through the Huarong Road. Because the northern forces were much stronger than the southern forces at that time, even if Cao Cao was killed by Guan Yu, there would still be another Cao Cao in the north. On the other hand, Guan Yu's act of selling a favor to Cao Cao was also beneficial to the accumulation of power in the south.

Unfortunately, in the later period, he launched a northern expedition, working day and night, neglecting rest and food. He was not as physically and mentally capable as Sima Yi. After his plan to set fire to Shanggu Valley failed to receive divine assistance, he passed away at Wuzhang Plains.

Resume 2

Brother Xuande has always followed the principle of "governing the world with benevolence and righteousness," so he has an excellent reputation among both generals and the people. Many times, he captured cities without using a single soldier, as the enemy willingly surrendered.

However, because of his benevolence and righteousness, he missed many opportunities.

For example, he refused to take over Jingzhou offered by his elder brother Liu Biao, thus missing the best opportunity to seize it. When he tried to take over Yizhou from his elder brother Liu Zhang, he hesitated and exposed Zhang Song as a spy.

Especially after the deaths of his two younger brothers, he disregarded Zhuge Liang's suggestion of "resist Cao Cao in the north, ally with Sun Quan in the east" and took the initiative to attack Eastern Wu, vowing to avenge his brothers.

In the final battle, in order to avoid the hot weather, he made the fatal mistake of setting up his camp in a densely forested area, resisting the enemy for seven hundred miles. In the end, he was defeated by Wu's fire attack.

It can truly be said that "he succeeded because of benevolence and righteousness, and failed because of benevolence and righteousness."

Resume 3

The third brother is extremely passionate about his career and cherishes every opportunity to compete with the strong. He finds it "enjoyable."

However, he has a bad temper and tends to resort to alcohol and whipping soldiers when he is worried. He once lost Xuzhou because of this.

However, in the later period, he intentionally exposed this weakness to the enemy and repeatedly won through strategy rather than brute force. He defeated Xu Chu, captured Yan Yan, and defeated Zhang He. He found it "enjoyable."

Unfortunately, after Guan Yu's defeat at Maicheng, he was eager for revenge and made the same mistake again, forcing his subordinates to poison him after he got drunk at night...

Resume 4

Gongjin, a brilliant man in history, is no less intelligent than Zhuge Liang and also has a handsome appearance.

However, he is narrow-minded and continuously plots against Zhuge Liang because he cannot obtain him, causing trouble for Eastern Wu.

But Zhuge Liang is not an ordinary person. He outsmarted Gongjin several times, completing military tasks such as borrowing arrows with straw boats and causing Wu to lose both the woman and the soldiers. In the end, Gongjin was angered to the point of spitting blood several times.

Alas, "born to be Zhou Yu, why not Zhuge Liang?"

Resume 5

Brother Zijing is an outstanding diplomat of Wu, humble and well-liked.

In addition, he played a crucial role in the three-way confrontation of the Three Kingdoms because he promoted the Battle of Chibi and the alliance between Sun Quan and Liu Bei.

Resume 6

Lu Xun, known as the "young boy with a yellow mouth," reversed the fate of Shu through two battles.

The first battle was the Battle of Xiangyang. He came up with the idea of having Lv Meng pretend to be sick, and then he took over Lv Meng's position, causing Guan Yu to lower his guard against this scholar, ultimately leading to Guan Yu's defeat at Maicheng.

The second battle was the Battle of Yiling. At the beginning, he knew that the Shu army was full of vigor and eager for victory, so he chose to defend and wait for the exhausted enemy. When the Shu army couldn't withstand the heat and had to camp in a densely forested area for seven hundred miles, he used the strategy of burning the enemy's camp, resulting in a great victory over Liu Bei, who had been fighting all his life.

Resume 7

Cao Cao is a figure who is both loved and hated.

He is naturally suspicious.

The fact that he killed the entire family of Lu Boshe is enough evidence, not to mention his famous quote, "I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me." He also killed his longtime guard in a dream just because the guard covered him with a blanket at night. The renowned physician Hua Tuo also met his demise due to Cao Cao's suspicion.

But he also greatly values talent.

In order to keep Guan Yu, he fulfilled various conditions, and even after Guan Yu passed through five passes and slayed six generals, Cao Cao ordered his men to let him go. When the enemy's Xu You came to visit during the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao went out to meet him without even bothering to put on his shoes.

Resume 8

Leaving aside his intelligence, Zhongda's physical and mental health is undoubtedly one of the best in the Three Kingdoms.

He knew that his strategies could not match those of Zhuge Liang, so he always defended and never attacked, wearing down the patience of the Shu army until Zhuge Liang's health could no longer support him.

His mindset is also very good. When Zhuge Liang once mocked him by giving him women's clothing, he not only did not go to battle, but also tried on the clothes in front of the messenger and expressed his gratitude. He often said to his son Sima Zhao, "If you cannot tolerate small things, your grand plans will be ruined."

Alright, internet executives, these candidates have been introduced. Please make your choices in the comments section~

Finally, I advise everyone to always prioritize health. Just think about Sima Yi and you'll understand [Doge].

Special Thanks

Source: Romance of the Three Kingdoms - bilibili

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