2 From Recursion to Dynamic Programming (Part 2)

Course Content#

Three Types of Optimization Methods#

① Optimization of State Transition Process

  • Do not change the state definition, use some special data structures or algorithms to specifically optimize the transition process
  • Example: Egg Dropping V2

② Optimization of Program Implementation

  • The state definition remains unchanged, and the transition process also remains unchanged
  • For example: 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Coin Problem [Rolling Array]

③ Optimization of State Definition

  • A capability that can only be cultivated through extensive training, optimizing from the source
  • Example: Egg Dropping V3

【⭐】 State Definition -> Source, Transition Process -> Process, Program Implementation -> Result

In-Class Exercises#

———Dynamic Programming——#

HZOJ-46: Cutting Palindrome#


Sample Input


Sample Output

  • Idea
    • String length 500,000, be careful of timeout
    • Normal Version
      • State Definition [Similar to Longest Increasing Subsequence]
        • $dp[i]$: The minimum number of segments to split the first $i$ characters of the string into palindrome strings
        • The number of segments is easier to understand, equivalent to the minimum number of cuts + 1
      • State Transition
        • Image
        • $dp[i]=min{dp[j]} + 1\ |\ j<i,\ s[j+1,\ i]\ is\ palindrome$
          • State Set: $dp[j]$, the substring from $j + 1$ to $i$ is a palindrome
          • Decision: $min$
      • Time Complexity: $O(n^2)$, can optimize the transition phase
    • Optimized Version — Transition Process
      • Phenomenon: In fact, palindrome strings will be very few
      • Optimization: Pre-store the positions of each palindrome string
        • That is, pre-process to obtain the $mark$ two-dimensional array
          • $mark[i]$ stores the starting coordinates of all palindrome strings ending at position $i$ [may be more than one]
        • Therefore, during the transition process, using the processed $mark$ array can avoid a lot of repeated loop traversals to check for palindromes
      • State Transition Equation 👉 $dp[i]=min{dp[mark[i][j]-1]} + 1\ |\ j<i$
        • Size of State Set: $sizeof(mark[i])$, i.e., the number of palindromes in that substring
      • Time Complexity: $O(n \times m)$, where $m$ represents the number of palindromes in the string
  • Code
    • Normal Version
      • Image
      • The string and dp array are offset by one
        • The for loop's $i$, $j$ corresponds to the index of the dp array, while the palindrome check for $i$, $j$ must correspond to the string, hence each -1
      • Initialize $dp[i]$, the current character must be a palindrome [regardless of the number of segments, only care about the transition]
        • This is actually the case of $j = i -1$
      • Time Complexity: $O(n^2)$
        • One cannot simply look at the two loops plus the palindrome check, which seems to be $O(n^3)$; one must consider it from the perspective of amortized time complexity
    • Optimized Version
      • Image
      • 【Note】
        • The $mark$ array is two-dimensional, the first dimension can use vector structure without determining the length of the second dimension [according to the number of palindromes in the substring], also convenient to add starting coordinates
        • The starting point of each array index, only the string starts from 0
        • The idea of expanding palindromes, from the center outwards, needs to consider odd and even numbers of characters

Knapsack Type Problems: A type of problem [to obtain the maximum return under limited resources / to obtain the maximum return at the least cost]

HZOJ-47: 0/1 Knapsack#


Sample Input

15 4
4 10
3 7
12 12
9 8

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • The number of items is limited, only two states: select / not select
    • State Definition
      • $dp[i][j]$: The maximum value that can be obtained with the first $i$ items and a maximum weight of $j$ for the knapsack
    • State Transition
      • $dp[i][j] = max\left{\begin{aligned}&dp[i - 1][j]&\text{not selecting the } i^{th} \text{ item}\&dp[i - 1][j - v[i]] + w[i]&\text{selecting the } i^{th} \text{ item}\end{aligned}\right.$
      • State Set: Not selecting the $i^{th}$ item, selecting the $i^{th}$ item, a total of 2 states
      • Decision: $max$
      • Note in the problem: $v$ represents weight, $w$ represents value
    • Time Complexity: $O(n\times V)$
  • Code
    • V1: How the state is defined, how the program is implemented
      • Image
      • Note the starting point of traversal, do not miss the state
      • This method is not elegant
    • V2: Rolling Array 👉 Space Optimization
      • Image
      • The $i$ dimension only uses the current row and the previous row's values, so only 2 dimensions are needed
      • In the $i$ dimension, uniformly mod 2
    • V3: Change the dp array in the program to 1D, and the $v$, $w$ arrays to 0D, modifying the update order
      • image-20210204151359972
      • To understand the above code, one must answer three questions:
        • ① Why does the dp array only need one dimension
        • ② Why are the $v$, $w$ arrays not needed
        • ③ Why is $j$ in reverse order
      • Answers:
        • ① The thought process remains, the state definition is still two-dimensional, just an optimization in code implementation
        • ② $i$ represents the number of items, from the previous code, it can be seen that $v$, $w$ only need to focus on the $i^{th}$ item, so one can read in one item and process one item
        • ③ First understand the first question, the state transition code must ensure that the indices on the right side of the equation $dp[j], dp[j-v]$ in the dimension of [number of items] are $i - 1$; if in forward order, the index corresponding to $dp[j-v]$ has already changed to $i$, while $dp[i-1][j-v]$ has already been lost
      • ❗ Here the range of $j$ has changed from the previous $1\to V$ to $V\to v$
        • This is because the values not traversed from $v\to 1$ do not need to change, they can remain [dp is one-dimensional]
        • And the previous code only copied the values from the $i-1$ dimension [dp is two-dimensional, otherwise it would be initialized to 0]

HZOJ-48: Complete Knapsack#


Sample Input

5 20
2 3
3 4
10 9
5 2
11 11

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • State Definition [Similar to 0/1 Knapsack]
      • $dp[i][j]$: The maximum value that can be obtained with the first $i$ types of items and a maximum weight of $j$ for the knapsack
    • State Transition
      • $dp[i][j] = max\left{\begin{aligned}&dp[i - 1][j]&\text{not selecting the } i^{th} \text{ type}\&dp[i][j - v[i]] + w[i]&\text{selecting several of the } i^{th} \text{ type}\end{aligned}\right.$
      • ❗ Note the second type of transition state, regardless of how many of the $i^{th}$ type of items are selected, the number of item types is still the first $i$ types, because each type of item has an infinite number available, which is the biggest difference from the previous question, somewhat like the coin problem above
        • Here, just make space for one of the $i^{th}$ type of items
    • Time Complexity: $O(N \times V)$
  • Code
    • Image
    • The order of updating the table is opposite to the third implementation method of the 0/1 Knapsack problem, need to traverse $j$ in the forward direction, understanding the previous [❗] can help understand this part

HZOJ-49: Multiple Knapsack#



Sample Input

15 4
4 10 5
3 7 4
12 12 2
9 8 7

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • Normal Version
      • 🆒 Problem Model Transformation: Treat each type of item as multiple independent items, thus transforming it into a 0/1 Knapsack problem
      • State Definition and State Transition are consistent with 0/1 Knapsack
      • State Definition
        • $dp[i][j]$: The maximum value that can be obtained with the first $i$ items and a maximum weight of $j$ for the knapsack
      • State Transition
        • $dp[i][j] = max\left{\begin{aligned}&dp[i - 1][j]&\text{not selecting the } i^{th} \text{ item}\&dp[i - 1][j - v[i]] + w[i]&\text{selecting the } i^{th} \text{ item}\end{aligned}\right.$
      • Time Complexity: $O(n\times V\times s)$, can be optimized
    • Optimized Version — Targeting the Transition Process ⭐
      • Use Binary Splitting Method to reduce the number of times the same item is traversed
      • Essentially, for a certain type of item, we need to decide how many pieces to choose to get the optimal answer
      • Example: 1 type of item has 14 pieces
        • Normal single splitting method — requires 14 rounds, enumerating all situations of selecting $1 \sim s$ pieces of a certain type of item
        • Binary splitting method — only requires 4 rounds, splitting the 14 pieces into 1, 2, 4, and 7 pieces to form four piles
          • This can achieve the same effect, and the number of splits will be less
          • Each split's quantity is double that of the previous pile, and if it cannot be split, just take the remaining all
        • Comparison of the number of splits for $s$ pieces: Normal splitting method: $s$ pieces; Binary splitting method: $log\ s$ pieces
      • Time Complexity: $O(V\times \sum_{i=1}^{n}{logs_i})\approx O(n \times V\times log\ s)$
      • [PS] Can only use binary splitting
        • For each pile of items, there are only select or not select two states, because in the transition process, there are only two results of selecting or not selecting
        • Therefore, cannot use other bases
    • Optimal Time Complexity: $O(n \times V)$ — with the help of monotonic queues, to be discussed later
  • Code
    • V1: Treat it as a 0/1 Knapsack problem
      • Image
      • Time efficiency is not high
    • V2: Optimize the Transition Process
      • Using the Binary Splitting Method
      • Image
      • Splitting in powers of two, from small to large, to traverse all situations
      • Consider the number of pieces $k$ in the transition equation

HZOJ-50: Egg Dropping#


Sample Input

2 100

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • 【Exploration Thought】
      • Interpret the requirement: the minimum number of tests in the worst case
        • The number of tests is related to the testing method
        • The worst case indicates the worst luck during the testing process
        • 👉 Best strategy, worst luck
      • Example: 2 eggs, building height of 100
        • Binary method: definitely timeout, limited number of eggs
          • [Worst Case]
          • The first egg tests the height of 50, it breaks
          • The second egg can only test from the first floor upwards
          • Ultimately needs to test 50 times [worst case → hardness is 49]
        • Custom strategy: test upwards at intervals of 10 floors
          • [Worst Case]
          • 10, 20, 30, ..., 100, when at 100 the egg breaks
          • Then 91, 92, ..., 99
          • Ultimately needs to test 19 times [hardness is 99]
        • Assume the number of tests is $x$
          • [Worst Case, the floors that can be tested are as follows, ensuring the number of tests is $x$]
          • First: $x$
          • Second: $x + (x - 1)$
          • Third: $x + (x - 1) + (x - 2)$
          • Finally: $x + (x - 1) + (x - 2) + ... + 1$, adding to 1 is to maximize the number of floors that can be tested, i.e., the optimal strategy
          • Calculate the sum of the arithmetic series: $(x + 1) \times x \div 2 >= 100$ for the value of $x$, which equals 14
          • It can be concluded: 2 eggs can test 100 floors, at most need to test 14 times
      • Inspiration: In the case of fixed testing times, discover testing strategies
    • V1: Normal Version
      • State Definition
        • $dp[i][j]$: Using $i$ eggs, testing $j$ floors, the minimum number of tests in the worst case
      • State Transition
        • Image
        • $dp[i][j] = min_k(max\left{\begin{aligned}&dp[i - 1][k - 1]+1&\text{egg breaks}\&dp[i][j - k]+1&\text{egg does not break}\end{aligned})\right.$
        • $k$: Throw the egg from the $k^{th}$ floor
        • $max$: Worst luck
        • $min$: Minimum number of tests [Enumerate all $k$, take the minimum value]
        • Decision: Reflected in taking the maximum value among the two states, taking the minimum value among all corresponding results for all floors
      • This method has the correct thought process but has obvious space and time limitations, see code — V1
    • V2: Optimize the Transition Process
      • In version V1, there are 3 layers of loops, but the process for finding min for $k$ can be optimized to 2 layers of loops
      • ① Fix the number of eggs $i$, and the number of floors $j$, observe the relationship between $k$ and $dp[i - 1][k - 1]$, $dp[i][j - k]$
        • Image
        • The former $dp[i - 1][k - 1]$ is positively correlated with $k$, while the latter $dp[i][j - k]$ is negatively correlated with $k$
        • And to find min(max()), as shown in the figure, the optimal $k$ value occurs near the intersection of the two
        • 👉 The optimal transition $k$ value must occur near the intersection of the two functions [PS: $k$ values are discrete]
      • ② Fix the number of eggs $i$, then observe the relationship between the number of floors $j$ and the optimal $k$
        • Image
        • When the number of floors $j$ increases, the green line is unaffected, while the red line shifts upward overall, the optimal $k$ value will also shift upward
        • To be precise, $k$ will not decrease, because $k$ values are discrete, $k$ can only increase when the number of floors $j$ increases within a certain range, the total number of tests will also increase [the curve corresponding to $k$ is stepwise]
      • Combining the two conclusions
        • Suppose the optimal solution corresponding to $dp[i][j-1]$ is $k_1$, then the optimal solution corresponding to $dp[i][j]$ is $k_2\geq k_1$ [must]
          • And $k_2$ still needs to satisfy the condition $dp[i-1][k_2-1]\leq dp[i][j-k_2]$ [①]
        • If satisfied, $k_2$ must be the maximum value that meets this condition, because $k$ can at most increase by one
        • Therefore, increasing one floor, $k_2$ can either increase by one or remain the same【⭐】
          • $k_2= \left{\begin{aligned}&k_1+1&dp[i-1][k_1]\le dp[i][j-k_1 - 1]\&k_1&\text{otherwise}\end{aligned}\right.$
          • If $k_2=k_1+1$ satisfies condition [①], then $k_2=k_1+1$
      • The essence of the optimization is the process of finding min, and the time complexity has undergone a qualitative leap, see code — V2
    • V3: Optimize State Definition
      • State Redefinition
        • Let the original state definition $dp[i][j] = x$, where $x$ represents the minimum number of tests at most
        • Analysis: The storage space required for the original state definition is related to the number of floors $j$, and the value range of $j$ is very large, the array cannot accommodate it; on the other hand, the value range of $x$ is small, for example, when $i = 2$, $x \le \sqrt{2j}$ [square root relationship]
        • Technique: When discovering a correlation between a certain independent variable and dependent variable, the two can be interchanged
        • ⭐Redefinition: $dp[i][x] = j$, the maximum number of floors that can be tested with $i$ eggs thrown $x$ times
      • State Transition
        • $dp[i][x] = dp[i][x - 1] + dp[i - 1][x - 1] + 1$
        • The maximum number of floors that can be tested = above [not broken] + below [broken] + 1
        • Note: The meaning of the elements in the dp array has changed to represent the number of floors
        • At this point, it is no longer a dynamic programming problem, but a recursive problem, with no decision-making
      • Finally, find the first $x$ such that $dp[n][x]≥m$ [the given number of floors], which is the answer
      • 🆒 Finally solved the space and time limitations of version V1
      • [PS] If the value ranges are not significantly different, the transformation is meaningless; if no related variables can be found, there is no way to transform
    • Note: All transition formulas are for the case of at least 2 eggs, so remember to initialize the case of 1 egg
  • Code
    • V1
      • Image
      • For finding the extreme value within a range, generally need to initialize an extreme value
      • Space Limitation
        • The storage space used by this program is strongly related to the number of floors
        • And the number of floors has reached $2^{31}$, so this state definition cannot meet the needs
        • 👉 Needs to optimize the state definition
      • Time Limitation
        • Time Complexity: $O(n \times m^2)$
        • When $m$ is too large, the time consumption is significant
      • [PS] The first dimension of the dp array can be compressed using a rolling array, but the breakthrough for compressing the second dimension is not here
    • V2: Optimize the Transition Process
      • Image
      • 【Key】 Based on the inflection point conclusion, determine whether the optimal $k$ corresponding to the number of eggs $i$ and the number of floors $j$ can be +1
      • Time Complexity -> $O(n \times m)$
      • [Personal Thought] Here the inflection point conclusion can actually also be satisfied by the minimum value of $dp[i-1][k-1]\ge dp[i][j-k]$ (let this value be $k_2$, compared to the maximum value $k_1$ of $dp[i-1][k-1]\le dp[i][j-k]$, $k_2=k_1+1\ or\ k_2=k_1$), because the curves of both (stepwise) are symmetric (because if the 34th line were changed to $dp[i - 1][k] <= dp[i][j - k]$, it would have the same effect on OJ), so it is speculated that if $k_2=k_1+1$, then $dp[i-1][k_2-1]=dp[i-1][k_1-1]+1$ at the same time, $dp[i][j-k_2]=dp[i][j-k_1]-1$, so the sought answer $max{dp[i-1][k_2-1],\ dp[i][j-k_2]} + 1$ remains unchanged
        • In fact, it is indeed symmetric, which can be proven by mathematical induction
    • V3: Optimize State Definition
      • Image
      • Has transformed into a recursive problem, dp[][]->f[][]
      • The f array uses long long type, although the maximum number of floors is $2^{31}$, within the int range; but the maximum number of eggs is 32, corresponding to the number of floors exceeding int, which may cause undefined behavior
      • The size of the second dimension of the f array is set to 70000, because when there are 2 eggs and $2^{31}$ floors, the corresponding $x$ value is $65536=2^{16}=\sqrt{2^{31}\times 2}$
      • Program Optimization: Change to rolling array storage; can estimate the size of the second dimension of the f array based on the number of floors, dynamically allocate the array, because there is no need to always allocate such a large 70000
      • [PS] Can also use recursion + memoization to implement

HZOJ-44: Longest Increasing Subsequence#


Sample Input

3 2 5 7 4 5 7 9 6 8

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • Normal Version
      • The longest strictly increasing subsequence that can be selected [does not need to be selected continuously]
      • State Definition
        • $dp(i)$: Represents the length of the longest strictly increasing subsequence ending with the element at index i
        • Must end with $i$!
      • State Transition
        • $dp(i) = max{dp(j)} + 1\ |\ j<i,\ val(j) < val(i)$
        • All states that can transition to $dp(i)$: those satisfying $j<i,\ val(j)<val(i)$ condition, a total of $i$
        • Decision: $max$
      • Final Answer: $max(f(i))$, take the maximum value among all $dp(i)$
      • Time Complexity of State Transition: $O(n^2)$
    • Optimized Version — Transition Process
      • ⭐ Add a $len$ array, where $len[i]$ represents the minimum value at the end of a [strictly increasing] sequence of length $i$
      • State Transition
        • Image
        • Introduction:
          • Referencing the $len$ array in the figure, in fact, $i$ represents the length, and $min$ represents the minimum value at the end
          • Consider: When a new $val[i]=5$ comes in, which value in the $len$ array should it best follow?
            • ① First, it needs to satisfy that the last value of the sequence is smaller than it 👉 $len[k] < val[i]$
            • ② Then the longer the sequence, the better 👉 the position $i$ should be as large as possible
          • Transformation: Find the index $k_{last}$ of the last value in the $len$ array that is less than $val[i]$, then +1 gives the position to insert; and update $len[k_{last} + 1]$ to $val[i]$, because before updating, $val[i]\le len[k+1]$ must hold, otherwise $k_{last}$ would not be the last one
          • That is: $dp[i]=k_{last}+1\ |\ len[k] < val[i]$, involves special binary search11110000
        • In fact, it is equivalent to finding the first value greater than or equal to $val[i]$ 👇
          • $dp[i]=k_{first}\ |\ len[k] \ge val[i]$, involves special binary search 00001111, then update $len[k_{first}]=val[i]$
          • More concise, and the subsequent code is implemented this way
      • The condition for binary search is the monotonicity of the $len$ array
        • Proof: The $len$ array must be monotonic, that is to prove
        • ① Initially monotonic
          • Initially set to 0, ∞, ∞
        • ② Assume it is monotonic before updating, it remains monotonic after updating
          • Update operation: $len[k]=val[i]$
          • Before updating: $len[k-1] <= len_{original}[k]$
          • After updating: $len[k-1] < val[i] =len_{new}[k]<=len_{original}[k]$
        • Therefore, it is monotonic
      • Time Complexity: $O(n\times log\ l)$
        • $l$ represents the length of the longest increasing subsequence, which is also the answer, and is the final effective length of the $len$ array
        • Used binary search to optimize the transition process
      • 【Key】 Maintained a monotonic array that is strongly related to the sought value, effectively using binary search
  • Code
    • Normal Version
      • Image
      • The data is large, use scanf instead of cin
      • Note the meanings of the two maxes
      • The time efficiency of state transition is low
    • Optimized Version — State Transition
      • image-20210204183536238
      • Note the maintenance of the monotonic array, and special binary search0000011111
        • When performing binary search, $ans + 1$ represents that each time an element is added, the maximum length increases by at most 1
      • $ans$ represents the index of the last non-extreme value in the $len$ array, which is also the current maximum length of the longest increasing subsequence
      • [PS]

——Combining Monotonic Queue/Stack——#

Based on 3 Monotonic Stack and Monotonic Queue knowledge points

HZOJ-51: Rectangle#


Sample Input

6 6
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • Recursion + Monotonic Stack
    • Note: The result may be too large, take modulo 100007 when outputting
    • 【Common Knowledge】 Top-left coordinate + Bottom-right coordinate 👉 A unique small rectangle
    • Problem Transformation: First, for a row, when the bottom-right coordinate falls on a certain point in that row, find the number of valid sub-rectangles that can be formed [the number of valid top-left coordinates corresponding to that point gives the number of sub-rectangles]; then accumulate the number of all points
    • By observation, the above subproblem can be divided into two parts
      • Image
      • First, find the position $i$ of the nearest height less than $x$ to the left of point $x$ [count the number of consecutive white squares upwards]
      • Then, the 【State Definition】 for $x$ as the bottom-right coordinate can form valid sub-rectangles $f(x)$ satisfies 👇
      • 【Recursion Formula】 $f(x) = f(i) + h_x\times (x - i)$
        • The number of valid sub-rectangles with $i$ as the bottom-right corresponds to the number of valid top-left coordinates, and these coordinates can also serve as valid top-left coordinates for point $x$
        • That is: the number of valid rectangles on the left part $f(i)$ + the number of valid rectangles on the right part $h_x\times (x - i)$
      • Since we need to find the nearest smaller value for $x$, we need to use a monotonic stack
    • [Inspiration] When there is a need to find the nearest larger or smaller value, one should think of a monotonic stack [generally combined with other algorithms]
  • Code
    • Image
    • Image
    • Areas where arrays are needed: Monotonic Stack, Rectangle Height, Recursion State
    • Note: Leave virtual boards, initialize recursion state values, initialize stack bottom
    • Conventional monotonic stack routine: Maintain monotonicity → Take value → Enter stack
    • [PS] Take modulo twice: to prevent the unmodulated $f[j]$ from exceeding the range when added to $ans$, in fact, this problem will not exceed; moreover, it cannot prevent $f[j]$ from exceeding the range [if it occurs], because $f[j]$ has already been calculated

HZOJ-52: The Old Typing Machine#


Sample Input

6 40
3 3 6 5 1 2

Sample Output

  • Idea
    • Dynamic Programming + Monotonic Queue
    • State Definition: $dp[i]$ represents the minimum cost of printing the first $i$ characters
    • State Transition
      • Image
      • According to the problem: $dp[i]=min{dp[j]+(s_i-s_j)^2+M}\ |\ j<i$, where $s_i$ is the prefix sum $s_i=\sum_{k=1}^ic_k$
        • Enumerate the possible ending position $j$ of the previous segment of printing, find the optimal one
      • Time Complexity: $O(n^2)$
    • Slope Optimization [⭐ A particularly elegant type of optimization algorithm]
      • ① Analyze the composition of the state transition formula [cost formula]
        • Image
        • Mainly eliminate mixed terms
      • ② We are actually looking for which state transition is better. Suppose transitioning from $j$ is better than transitioning from $k$, that is, the cost is smaller, then
        • $dp[j] + (s_i - s_j)^2 + M < dp[k] + (s_i - s_k)^2 + M$
        • $dp[j] + s_j^2 - 2s_is_j<dp[k] + s_k^2 - 2s_is_k$
        • $(dp[j]+s_j^2)-(dp[k]+s_k^2)<2s_i(s_j-s_k)$
      • ③ Further transformation, turning into a slope form
        • Image
        • Let $f(i)=dp[i]+s_i^2$
        • ↓ 【Slope Relationship (Ⅰ)】
          • $g(j,k)=\frac{f(j)-f(k)}{s_j-s_k}<2s_i$
        • 👉 Slope [taking $s$ as the horizontal coordinate, $f$ as the vertical coordinate]
        • At this point, it transforms into: if the slope relationship (Ⅰ) holds, then transitioning from $j$ is better than from $k$
      • ④ How to further utilize the slope relationship (Ⅰ)? Analyze the following figure, there are points $l$, $k$, and $j$
        • Image
        • 【Scene Here】 The slope of line $lk$ > the slope of line $kj$ [bow-shaped]
        • Analyze the relationship between the slopes of the two and $2s_i$, there are three cases, see the figure for ①, ②, ③
        • Then analyze using the slope relationship (Ⅰ): choose which point to transition from is optimal, see the checkmark in the nine-square grid ✔
        • It can be seen that any optimal state must not include $k$
        • 👉 Among the candidate answers, there must not be any bow-shaped
      • ⑤ Ultimately, this process transforms into: ensuring that among candidate states, the slope of the former must be smaller than or equal to that of the latter [non-bow-shaped]
        • Image
        • Based on the slope relationship (Ⅰ) and the characteristics of increasing slopes, the sought optimal transition state is close to the head
          • First, based on the slope relationship (Ⅰ), remove the head-related elements $x_1$, $x_2$ 【dequeue
          • At this point, the remaining leftmost element is the optimal transition state $x_3$【queue head
          • When a new state $x_6$ is added: based on the bow-shaped principle, first eliminate the non-candidate states $x_4$, $x_5$ at the tail, then add $x_6$【maintain monotonicity + enqueue
        • 👉 That is to maintain a 【monotonic queue】, maintaining a minimum value in an interval
      • Time Complexity: $O(n)$
  • Code
    • Image
    • Image
    • The key lies in the slope optimization idea, pay attention to the use of the slope relationship (Ⅰ) formula and slope comparison (bow-shaped judgment)
    • Transforming into a monotonic queue problem: dequeue → take value → maintain monotonicity → enqueue
      • The order of operations is adjusted according to the problem
    • [PS]
      • With the idea of slope optimization, one can directly apply the formula
      • There is no need to store an array of character cost values, only the prefix sum information is needed


  • Knowledge has no boundaries; with university, there are boundaries

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