Implementation and Essential Considerations of SSH Passwordless Login

Experimental Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 remote server + WSL 2 local machine

Evaluation Description#

Final Result#

【Testing Locally】

  • Image
  • SSH hostname, passwordless login is now possible

  • It's green again :)

Implementation Process#

Two Steps⭐#

【Generate Key Pair👉Copy Public Key】

  • ① Generate public and private key [the one with .pub extension is the public key] on local WSL 2, using RSA encryption algorithm
ssh-keygen -t rsa
    • You can use ssh-keygen --help to view information about key types and other details
    • Passphrase is generally not required [used to encrypt the private key], unless you want to enter a password every time you login without a password
  • ② Configure the public key on the remote server with a single command
ssh-copy-id ten
    • Here, "ten" is the alias of the remote server (the username is the same as the local user by default, otherwise you can use the format "hz@ten"). For specific configuration methods, refer to 《Linux 入门及使用》笔记汇总 ——5 基本系统 —— 附加知识点: Login to Cloud Host with SSH Alias
    • Alternatively, you can use the format ssh-copy-id username@IP, where "ten" and "username@IP" are equivalent in the following text

🔚By doing this, passwordless login is achieved and you can connect to the cloud host "ten" for testing

ssh ten

Detailed Steps of ssh-copy-id#

If you want to manually achieve the same effect as ssh-copy-id, you can follow these steps:

  • Copy the local public key to the home directory of the remote server
scp ~/.ssh/ ten:
  • SSH login to the home directory of the remote server and append the content of the public key to the configuration file of the key
cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
rm  # Can be deleted
    • authorized_keys can store multiple different public keys, with each line corresponding to one key
    • If the .ssh directory and authorized_keys file do not exist, create them manually
    • The key is the "permissions" of both: the .ssh directory should only be accessible by the owner, and the authorized_keys file should only have read and write permissions for the owner. Otherwise, passwordless login will be difficult to achieve
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

🔚By doing this, passwordless login is also achieved

【Permission Requirements】

  • Refer to man sshd
    • Image
    • For security reasons, if the permission settings do not meet the requirements, the public key file cannot be used

Additional Notes#

  • Confirm that the "PubkeyAuthentication" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on both the local machine and the remote server is set to "yes". After modifying it, you need to restart the sshd service: systemctl restart sshd.service
  • If you want to login without a password to a specific user on the remote server, place the public key in the corresponding location in that user's home directory

Essence of Passwordless Login#


  • Local machine initiates SSH connection and sends its public key
  • Upon receiving the public key, the remote server compares it with its own public key
  • If they match, the server encrypts a "random string" with the public key and sends it back to the local machine
  • The local machine decrypts the "random string" with its private key and sends the result back to the server
  • If they match, the connection is established

❗ Refer to SSH 免密登录原理与实现—— 掘金 (in Chinese)

【This article mentions the specific processes of password login and passwordless login】

  • Password Login
    • Image
    • The password is encrypted using the remote server's public key
  • Passwordless Login
    • Image
    • The private key is not exposed during the transmission process

Password login is simpler and faster during connection compared to passwordless login.
However, passwordless login is more secure:

  • ① Passwords are easier to crack
  • ② The article mentioned that passwordless login does not have the risk of "man-in-the-middle" attacks, but I do not fully agree
    • Both rely on the .ssh/known_hosts file to identify the machine
    • Passwordless login adds an extra step of matching public keys, making it more secure
    • 【Note】This is under the assumption that the local public key has not been stolen by a man-in-the-middle

Additional Notes#

  • ssh -v ten: You can see a more detailed process
  • There is a widely circulated image on the Internet, but it contains some details that are incorrect, as follows:
    • Image
    • The request information is not the username and IP❌, but the local public key
    • The public key does not store the IP [as it would pose a risk], it stores the username and hostname of the local machine
    • You can try deleting the user information [username and hostname] from the local or remote server's public key, and you can still establish a passwordless SSH connection
    • This shows that the remote server verifies the public key string itself!

Points for Consideration#

  • What is the identity verification displayed when first logging into the cloud host?
    • Image
    • What is ECDSA key fingerprint? It is the key fingerprint from the remote server, and every machine with SSH installed has its own fingerprint
    • After entering "yes", the fingerprint information will be stored in the local .ssh/known_hosts file. If there is a spoofed machine during the next connection, it will raise an alert
    • If there is a spoofed machine [man-in-the-middle] attack during the first connection, congratulations, you have won
    • Refer to 验证远程主机 SSH 指纹—— 博客 (in Chinese)


  • Usage of ssh-copy-id

    • Directly copies the public key of the current user on the local machine to the authorized_keys file in the .ssh directory of the remote machine's home directory
    • Image
    • More simple and direct, can specify specific public keys, specific ports, etc.
  • You can use man sshd_config to view the specific configuration instructions for sshd_config

  • ⭐ Disable password login by modifying "PasswordAuthentication" to "no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    • Image
    • Restart the sshd service: systemctl restart sshd.service to make it take effect
  • The location of the public key can be set by yourself through "AuthorizedKeysFile" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    • Image
    • By default, the public key is searched in the corresponding location in the user's home directory
  • What is ChallengeResponseAuthentication?

    • Image

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# Allow any type of password authentication! Therefore, any authentication method specified in login.conf can be used!
# But currently, we prefer to use PAM modules to manage authentication, so this option can be set to no!


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