7 Basics of Shell Programming

High-level languages, scripting languages, interpreted languages:, generally based on bash

Course Content#

First Shell Script#

# Comment
echo "Hello"
  • The first line #! specifies the interpreter, valid only on the first line
  • Comment: "#"


PATH=${PATH}:path  # A string can be directly concatenated after a variable
# 【Note】":a" has a special meaning, pointing to the current path
  • No need to define variable types【Weakly typed language】
    • For example, a=123 can be a string or an integer
  • "" has a special meaning
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    • You can enclose a in double quotes, such as a=$a:"a" or a=$a"", resulting in a=123

Special Variables#

Positional Variables

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  • $n: If n > 9, it needs to be enclosed in braces

  • $@ and $* differ in that: when passed parameters are enclosed in double quotes, and the $ variable is also enclosed in double quotes, "$@" will separate all parameters【general case】, while "$*" will treat all parameters as a whole

  • $# : does not count $0

Status Variables

  • $? : [The result of the last] command execution, 0——success, non-0——failure
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    • Facilitates automatic judgment of command success in scripts
  • $$ and $! : PID of the current process and the last running background process, generally used in automated testing and multi-script interaction scenarios

Input and Output#

  • Input: read
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    • -p: Displays friendly prompts, needs to be used in bash
    • -s: Silent mode
    • -t: Input wait duration, timeout ends (unit: s)
  • Output: echo
    • -e: Enable escape
  • Output: printf
    • Very similar to C language's printf!
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    • [PS] ! and \n have special meanings when used together, need to be separated
      • Needs to be separated in bash
      • Can be separated in zsh, or escaped with \
      • Generally for special symbols——Beginner's Tutorial, need to be cautious!


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  • No parameters

  • Definition: Many ways to write, function, () and {} combinations, the third way is more similar to C language writing

  • Call: function name parameters...

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    • Adding function for readability
  • ❗【Note】The return value of functions in shell is limited, the range is 0-255, overflow will cycle and recalculate

Control Flow#

do——done, if——then——fi, case——esac

【Key Point】TEST Expression⭐#

  • Can judge types: string, integer, file
  • ❗ 【Note】When the condition is true, it returns 0, otherwise returns non-0
    • The return value of commands in Linux is also like this, 0 represents success
  • [PS]
    • STRING1 = STRING2 can also use == 【Recommended later, two brackets [[ ]] support】
    • -G FILE: The file exists and is owned by a valid group ID
      • If the group is dissolved, the group ID of the file controlled by the group becomes invalid
    • For specifics, refer to the man manual: man test

Branch Structure#



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  • The semicolon ;; cannot be omitted! Equivalent to break, and if break is added, it must also be present

  • Default case can use *)

  • case is used less often, generally for menus, more aesthetically pleasing than if

Loop Structure#


  • Use seq to generate sequences

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  • Use ls matching rules

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  • Two forms of for

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  • The content in double parentheses (()) only needs to comply with C language operation rules, variables can be written without the variable prefix $, can write i++, normally cannot use ++


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  • Also applicable to test expressions

  • Initialize num variable, otherwise

    • The first time echo $num, $num is empty, resulting in an empty line
    • When encountering the subsequent +1, the system determines it as an integer type, and only then is it treated as an integer


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  • The only difference from while is: until writes the stop condition, while writes the loop condition


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  • Array assignment【Method ①】 and calling

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  • 【Common array operations】 can also output the index of array elements, see below

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  • Declare array: declare -a num, for readability, can also be done without declaration [Weakly typed language]

  • Assignment【Method ②、③】

    • num[2]=10 num[5]=7 num[100]=3.2.4
    • num=(1 a b 10)
  • Array elements do not have to be assigned continuously and can be of any type

    • 【Common array operations】 add !: output all array elements' corresponding indices, can see they are not continuous

【Other Array Operations】

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  • +=: Append

  • unset: Delete array or element [delete by index]

  • [PS] Assignment method ③ treats multiple spaces as a single separator


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  • Can be used to store a list of file names

  • 【Note】Assignment method ③ assigns values to arrays using spaces as separators, so if file names contain spaces, special handling is needed

  • 【PS】Prime sieve, linear sieve

In-Class Exercises#

Sum of Even Numbers from 1 to 100#

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  • $[ ] can be used for integer operations

  • seq is slightly less efficient

Bruteforce Prime Calculation#

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  • The return value of functions

    • Obtained through $?, after calling the function echo $? can get it, but the return value has a range limit of 0~255!
    • Obtained through command substitution ``
  • Note the conflict issue with the loop variable i: define local variables

  • 🆒 Debugging the program

    • Habit: Appropriate echo output
    • Global debugging: bash -x *.sh
    • Local debugging: set -x [debug code area] set +x

Prime Sieve#

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  • Method one is convenient for operating primes and can reduce judgment during output

  • Method two can also operate composite numbers

【Comparison of two methods: Bruteforce and Prime Sieve】Calculate the sum of primes from 2 to 10000


  • Bruteforce —— Prime Sieve

Additional Knowledge Points#

  • .sh scripts can be executed directly with bash or source, if using ./ it requires executable permissions
  • set -x can enable shell debugging
  • Shell Command Substitution: Assigning the output of a command to a variable——C Language Chinese Network
    • $() supports nesting, backticks `` do not
    • $() is only valid in Bash [seems zsh and sh also support], while backticks `` can be used in various shells
  • Content in double parentheses (())
    • Only needs to comply with C language operation rules
    • Variables can be written without the variable prefix $
    • Can write i++, normally cannot use ++
  • ⭐ In Shell, when a variable is not yet defined, its value is empty, echo output appears as an empty line
  • ⭐ Space issues【Strict】
    • In assignment statements: = cannot have spaces on either side
    • Related to TEST expressions: [[ ]] must have spaces on both sides
  • For variable name i, if you want to concatenate $i with _i, using $i_i will look for variable i_i, so use ${i}_i


  • Writing Shell scripts
    • Do not worry too much about performance, purely doing mathematical calculations is inefficient
    • The goal is to quickly solve a problem and plan the flow of all tasks
    • Remember to add【backup】 operations before performing actions
    • Generally, it is about letting the system do things, which is harder than making specific programs do things
      • Programs generally have their own parameter settings but lack universality
  • API generally refers to services
  • Shell Style Guide——Google Open Source Project Style Guide——Shell Programming Specifications
  • Methods for multi-line comments and single-line comments in Shell scripts——Blog
[Code to be commented]
  • You can learn about let——Beginner's Tutorial, convenient syntax

Course Summary#

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