Common scenarios for special file permissions

Experimental Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 remote server + WSL 2 local machine

Evaluation Description#

[Version 1]

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[Version 2]

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  • ⭐ Assess understanding of file permissions, especially file special permissions

  • Once you understand the above, implementing the above functionalities will be easy

Final Result#

  • Other users cannot enter the Project directory

  • Image
  • TestUser1 created the file u1.txt

  • Image
  • TestUser2 can still edit u1.txt, but cannot delete it

  • Image
    • Similarly for the reverse case

Implementation Process#


  • Create a user group called TestGroup using the groupadd command, there are some options available in the man manual to view
groupadd TestGroup
  • Create two users, TestUser1 and TestUser2, belonging to the TestGroup group
useradd -G TestGroup TestUser1
useradd -G TestGroup TestUser2
    • The group needs to be created first
  • Set passwords for the users to log in, otherwise they won't be able to log in
passwd TestUser1
--->Enter password: xxx
passwd TestUser2
--->Enter password: yyy
  • Create a Project directory under /opt as the project directory
cd /opt
mkdir Project

Implementing Functionality 1 - Access Permissions#

[Only TestUser1, TestUser2, and root users can enter this directory]

  • Change the group ownership of the Project directory to TestGroup, leaving the user ownership unchanged
sudo chown :TestGroup Project
  • Remove the execute permission for other users, so that they cannot enter the directory
sudo chmod o-x Project
  • The result is as follows:

  • Image

Implementing Functionality 2 - Editing Permissions#

[TestUser2 can edit files created by TestUser1]

  • First, add write permission to the TestGroup group, so that users can create files in this directory
sudo chmod g+w Project
  • Set the setgid bit, so that operations performed by users inside the directory will be done with the identity of the group that the directory belongs to
sudo chmod g+s Project

[PS] Otherwise, files created by users will belong to a group with the same name as the user, instead of TestGroup [thus the two users cannot establish a connection]

  • The permissions are as follows:

  • Image

Implementing Functionality 3 - Deletion Permissions#

[TestUser1 and TestUser2 can only delete files created by themselves]

  • Set the sticky bit, so that users can only delete their own content in this directory
sudo chmod +t Project
  • The permissions are as follows:

  • Image

[PS] The folder colors have changed, zsh did a great job

Points to Consider#

  • Scenario: A user who has no write permission for a file in a directory can still delete the file, why?
    • Image
    • The permission to delete a file depends on the user's permission to enter the directory
      • Image
      • This user belongs to the TestGroup and has write permission
      • Refer to The Importance of Permissions for Directories in "The Linux Beginner's Guide" - Permissions for directories:
        • Image
        • However, things are different when the sticky bit is involved


  • The executable permission for a directory represents the permission to enter the directory


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