Tips | Complete Shortcut Keys, Activate Your Mouseless Working Mode

If you use shortcuts well, you won't need a mouse for anything.

I don't know if anyone has the habit of trying various shortcuts before using a software. So today, I will introduce the various shortcuts that I often use, which can also make up for the several weeks of no updates.

This article mainly covers the following scenarios:

  1. Mac / Windows
  2. Chrome Browser
  3. Xcode IDE

Mac / Windows#

  1. System-level Control
Close current pagecommand + Wctrl + W
Quit current softwarecommand + Qalt + f4
New windowcommand + Nctrl + N
New tabcommand + Tctrl + T
Switch desktopcontrol + left / rightctrl + win + left / right
Switch applicationcommand + tabalt + tab
Switch windows within the same applicationcommand + ~-
Open "Force Quit Applications" windowcommand + option + escwin + esc (TaskMan)
Open system settings-win + I
Minimize the frontmost window to the dockcommand + Mwin + D
Fullscreencommand + control + Ff11
Lock screencommand + control + Qwin + L
  1. File Manager (Finder / Explorer)
Delete file (folder)command + backspacedelete / (ctrl + D)
Move file (folder)command + C → command + option + Vctrl + X → ctrl + V
Create new foldercommand + shift + Nctrl + shift + N
Quickly open file managercommand + option + spacewin + E
Create a copy of the selected filecommand + Dctrl + C → ctrl + V
Jump to specified pathcommand + shift + G-
Copy the current folder pathcommand + option + C-
Empty trashcommand + shift + backspace-
Display files in different formscommand + 1 ~ 4-
Arrange files according to different rulescommand + control + 1 ~ 7-
Show path barcommand + option + P-
Open file manager window with the same path-ctrl + N
  1. Others
Quickly open software, filescommand + spacewin + S
Open preferences for the applicationcommand + , (comma)ctrl + ,
Savecommand + Sctrl + S
Select allcommand + Actrl + A
Copy / Cut / Pastecommand + C / X / Vctrl + C / X / V
Undo / Redocommand + Z / command + shift + Z (command + Y)ctrl + Z / ctrl + shift + Z (ctrl + Y)
Open emoji panelfnwin + . (dot)
Delete the character after the cursorcontrol + Ddelete


  1. On Mac, combining shortcuts with the trackpad can maximize the mouse-free working mode. Compared to shortcuts, I prefer using gestures to switch applications and desktops. Also, remember to enable the three-finger drag feature on Mac trackpad as a substitute for mouse dragging capability.
  2. For operations with a specific order, combining the shift button generally achieves the reverse effect.
  3. Mac - Windows key mapping: command - ctrl, option - alt, control - auxiliary ctrl.

Reference: Mac Keyboard Shortcuts - Apple Official

Chrome Browser#

Many shortcut keys in Google Chrome browser are actually universal with the system, such as the aforementioned actions like closing the current page, opening a new window, and opening a new tab. In addition, there are some commonly used ones:

Reopen the last closed tabcommand + shift + Tctrl + shift + T
Go back / forward one viewcommand + left / rightalt + left / right
Jump to the address barcommand + Lctrl + L
Findcommand + Fctrl + F
Jump to the next tabcontrol + tabctrl + tab
Open a link in a new background tabcommand + clickctrl + click
Zoom in / out on the webpagecommand and + / -ctrl and + / -
Open JavaScript consolef12f12

Reference: Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts - Google Chrome Official

Xcode IDE#

For iOS developers: (Many shortcut keys in Xcode are also universal with the system, such as closing the current page, opening a new tab, etc.)

  1. Familiarize with Code
Quickly find files (classes, properties, methods)command + shift + O
Quickly locate the current file in the projectcommand + shift + J
Jump to definitioncommand + control + click
View method-related information (such as callers)control + 1
Go back / forward one viewcommand + control + left / right
Findcommand + F
Find using the selected text (reduce copy-paste operations)command + E
Find next(command + G) / enter
Global searchcommand + shift + F
View related actionscommand + click
View quick helpoption + click
  1. Code Development
Create new filecommand + N
Create new Groupcommand + option + N
Replacecommand + option + F
Add documentation commentcommand + option + /
Comment out selected codecommand + /
Re-match code completionesc
Rename (edit all occurrences)command + control + E
  1. Build & Run & Debug
Runcommand + R
Run without buildingcommand + control + R
Cancel runningcommand + .
Clean buildcommand + shift + K
Clear consolecommand + K
Add / remove breakpointscommand + \
  1. Others
Open developer documentationcommand + shift + 0
Open welcome page and select projectcommand + shift + 1
Collapse / expand folderleft / right
Edit schemecommand + shift + ,
Open simulator management pagecommand + shift + 2
Find syntax errorscommand + shift + ;

Tips: You can also make use of various options in the Editor to improve development efficiency, such as Minimap, Assistant view, etc.

Reference: Menu Command Shortcuts - Xcode Official

It seems that the appearance of the mouse has taken away the keyboard's job, but did the design of shortcuts help the keyboard make a comeback?

Alright, these are all the contents I want to share today. Do you have any recommended or favorite shortcuts? Feel free to comment in the comment section!

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