2 Red-Black Tree

Widely used in engineering implementations

Course Content#

<5 Balancing Conditions>#

  1. Nodes are either black or red
  2. The root node is black [hair]
  3. Leaf nodes (NIL) are black [not washing feet]
    1. Usually not drawn out, and NIL nodes are not considered, default is black
  4. Both children of a red node are black⭐
    1. A red node cannot have red children
  5. The number of black nodes on the path from the root node to all leaf nodes is the same⭐

Understanding Balancing Conditions#

  • 4th+5th conditions 👉 In a red-black tree, the number of longest edge nodes : number of shortest edge nodes = 2 : 1
    • Essentially, red-black trees also control balance by tree height
  • Red-black trees have looser height control conditions than AVL trees
    • Therefore, after inserting or deleting nodes in a red-black tree, the probability of adjustment is smaller, reducing adjustment costs
  • The top-3 conditions are basically trivial; you can dye any color you want, change colors as you wish, NIL is default black
    • ❓ If there is no 3rd condition, would red-black trees not be powerful? But isn't it default black?

Adjustment Strategy#

Insertion adjustments and deletion adjustments are separate [unlike AVL trees]


①【For insertion adjustments, look from the perspective of the grandparent node

  • Look down two levels
    • When a certain node conflicts with its child node, that node cannot manage it
    • "Distant relatives": Grandfather manages the affairs of sons and grandsons, does not allow sons to hit grandsons
  • The inserted node must be red, based on the 5th condition
    • ❌ Inserting black — will definitely require adjustment [will change the number of black nodes on a certain path]
    • ✅ Inserting red — may require adjustment
  • [Purpose of insertion adjustment] Resolve double red situation

②【For deletion adjustments, look from the perspective of the parent node

  • Look down one level
  • Preconditions
    • Deleting black [refer to binary search tree deletion]
      • Degree 0⭐: Special case [NIL is effective]
        • Will produce a double black NIL node
        • Triggers deletion adjustment
      • Degree 1
        • Its only child must be red; otherwise, that node must have another subtree to ensure the number of black nodes on both sides is equal, which contradicts degree 1
        • Will not trigger deletion adjustment
      • Degree 2: Can be converted to degree 0 or 1
    • Deleting red: does not affect balance
  • [Purpose of deletion adjustment] Resolve double black situation

--> A total of 5 situations: 2 for insertion + 3 for deletion

  • ⭐Key Key⭐ — General adjustment strategy
    • Imagine each situation as a local subtree within a large red-black tree
      • The root node may still have "ancestor nodes," and other nodes may have subtrees
    • To avoid affecting the global structure, the number of black nodes in the local subtree remains the same before and after adjustment
    • [Each situation below only shows part of the tree]
  • [PS] If the root node is not black, just dye it black [not important]

Insertion Adjustment#

[Goal] Resolve double red situation

Two main categories: 4 + 4 small situations

Situation One#

  • Image
  • 【Characteristics】 Uncle node is red
  • 【Strategy】
    • Modify the small hats of the triplet <15[1, 20]>
      • Black-red-red 👉 red-black-black: Grandfather takes the red hats from the fathers
      • Ensure the number of black nodes on each path remains unchanged
  • 【Illustration】 Red floating up
  • Image
  • [PS]
    • [In the image] The color of the root node must be black; otherwise, there would be a conflict between the root node and child nodes before insertion, causing imbalance
    • Includes 4 small situations: The inserted node x can have four positions, but the handling method is consistent

Situation Two#

Example: LL

  • Image
  • 【Characteristics】 Uncle node is black, conflict occurs in LL [two red nodes in L and LL]
  • 【Strategy】
    • First use AVL tree's rotation adjustment strategy: LL [example], LR, RL, RR
    • Then modify the colors of the triplet: Red floating up [red-black-black] or red sinking down [black-red-red]
  • 【Analysis】 In the image , which nodes are certain [exist + color]? Which are special cases?
    • Image
    • Certain [blue frame defined]
      • LL type → 10, 15
      • Situation two → 25
      • 15 is red → 20
      • The number of black nodes on each path is the same [2] && 10, 15 are red → 5, 13, 19
      • [PS] 4 black nodes can also be NIL
    • Special case
      • 17
        • Can be red
        • Can be none, can be black [but cannot be included in the image, otherwise it does not satisfy the 5th condition]
  • 【Illustration】 Big right rotation + red floating up/sinking down
    • Image
    • After the big right rotation of the LL type, the change in the number of black nodes causes imbalance 👉 use [red floating up/sinking down] adjustment
  • [PS]
    • For the rotation of two red nodes, it does not affect the number of black nodes on each path
      • For small left rotations, small right rotations
      • Example: [Assuming the original image] Holding the 15 node for a small right rotation
      • Therefore, small rotations will not affect balance
    • ❗ The position of the inserted node x is an intermediate result of backtracking adjustment, not the state immediately after insertion
    • Includes 4 small situations: LL, LR, RL, RR

Deletion Adjustment#

[Goal] Resolve double black situation

Two main categories: Brother node is black [2 + 2 + 2 small situations], Brother node is red [special situation]

Situation One#

Example: Double black child node on the right side

  • Image
  • 【Characteristics】 The brother node of the double black node x is black, and both children of the brother node are also black
  • 【Strategy】 Increase 1 heavy black for the parent node, reduce 1 heavy black for the double black node and the brother node
  • [PS] 95 is backtracked [the perspective of the problem should be broad]

Situation Two#

Example: RL

  • Image
  • [Pay attention to the position of the double black node x, focus on the subtree with root node 38]
  • 【Characteristics】 Brother node is on the right + the left child of the brother node is red, and the right child must be black [otherwise judged as RR type, see later]
  • 【Strategy】 Small right rotation, original brother node becomes red, new brother node becomes black, transforming into RR type [see situation three]
  • 【Analysis】 Which nodes have determined colors? [Small right rotation part]
    • Image
    • [Refer to the original image, blue frame defined as determined color]
    • RL type → 72, 51, 85
    • The number of black nodes on each path in the subtree with root 38 is the same [2] && 51 is red → 48, 64

Situation Three#

Example: RR

  • Image
  • [Pay attention to the position of the double black node x, focus on the subtree with root node 38]
  • 【Characteristics】 Brother node is on the right + its right child is red [left child is not required]
  • 【Strategy】 Big left rotation, new root node equals the original root node [the parent node of the double black node], the two new child nodes change to black, and the double black node reduces 1 heavy black [this order is not critical]
  • 【Analysis】 Which nodes have determined colors?
    • Image
    • [Refer to the original image, blue frame defined as determined color]
    • RR type → 28, 51, 72
    • The number of black nodes on each path is the same [≈2, 38 is uncertain] && 72 is red → 64, 85
    • [PS] 38, 48 are uncertain
  • 【Thought 1】 Color modification strategy
    • First, because 48 may be red, to avoid possible conflicts ❗, 38 can only be changed to black
    • Next, to ensure the number of black nodes in the local subtree remains the same before and after adjustment
    • ① [2] If 38 was originally red → 51 changes to red, 72 changes to black
    • ② [3] If 38 was originally black → 72 changes to black
    • 【General Method】 New root node equals the original root's color, new child nodes all change to black
      • Black-red-red 👉 red-black-black
      • (or)
      • Black-black-red 👉 black-black-black
  • 【Thought 2】 Why solve double black with left rotation?
    • After the big left rotation, it can add an additional black node on the path where the double black is located [the addition of 51], so the double black can be reduced by one
      • Otherwise, reducing the double black for no reason, where can we ensure an increase in the number of black nodes on the path?

Summary of Situations Two and Three

  • Situation two: RL, LR; Situation three: RR, LL
  • The brother node of the double black node is black, and there are red child nodes among the brother nodes
    • RR [Brother node is on the right ➕ its right child is red]
      • Big left rotation, new root changes to the original root's color, the two child nodes of the new root change to black
    • RL [Brother node is on the right ➕ its left child is red, and the right child must be black]
      • Small right rotation, original brother node changes to red, new brother node changes to black, then perform RR strategy
    • LL, LR: Similar to RR, RL
  • Priority: RR > RL, LL > LR

Special Situation#

  • 【Characteristics】 The brother node of the double black node is red
  • 【Strategy】 Hold the parent node of the double black node, rotate towards the double black node, change the original root node to red, and the new root node to black
  • 【Illustration】 Big left rotation + original/new root node color swap
    • Image
    • The blue frame indicates the nodes with determined colors, how are they determined?
      • Special situation → double black node, brother node
      • 4th condition && brother node is red → parent node
      • 5th condition && brother node is red → child nodes of the brother node [the positions of black nodes thereafter do not need to be continuous]
  • 【After conversion】 Look down from the original root node, perform deletion adjustment
    • At this time, the brother node of the double black node must be black, allowing transition to situations one, two, or three

Code Demonstration#

Insertion Adjustment#

  • Image
  • image-20210203112552388
  • Image
  • image-20210205170308017
  • Manual dyeing of the root node to black
    • Ensure the 2nd condition: The root node is black
    • Under what circumstances can the root node be red
      • The first inserted node [the inserted node is red]
      • Red floating up in situation one
      • Red floating up in situation two [red sinking down will not affect]
    • ❗ Only manual dyeing will increase the number of black nodes on the path
      • When a big rotation operation occurs at the root node, the root node will become a red node, at which point manual dyeing takes effect
    • Encapsulated processing through code: insert = __insert + dye black
  • ❓ Does the lazy operation in situation one affect adjustments during backtracking?
    • It will not cause conflicts on the paths below
    • Does not affect the number of black nodes on the path
    • May cause conflicts in upper nodes
      • But it is a random operation; when the red-black tree reaches a certain scale, the loss can be ignored
  • ❓ The difference between red sinking down and red floating up: each has its advantages, both have the potential for conflict
    • Red sinking down: prone to conflict with newly inserted nodes
    • Red floating up: prone to conflict with parent nodes
      • [PS] When the red-black tree is large, it is difficult for red nodes to float up
  • ❓ AVL trees vs. red-black trees
    • AVL trees are more balanced than red-black trees
    • The cost of adjustments in red-black trees is lower than in AVL trees
      • About half of the adjustments in red-black trees can be solved by coloring [situation one]
    • Suitable for dynamic insertion and deletion of nodes, while search may be slightly inferior to AVL
  • [PS]
    • Insertion adjustments occur during the recursive backtracking phase
    • In the insertion adjustment code, the use of goto statements reduces code volume; using function encapsulation should be more standard
  • [Result Example]
    • Image
    • Image

Deletion Adjustment#

  • Image

  • image-20210203124255405

  • Image

  • image-20210205170450468

  • Added on the basis of the insertion adjustment code

  • Deletion adjustment situations are divided into [no double black child nodes] + [with double black child nodes (special situation + three situations (brother nodes with/without red children <LR, LL, RL, RR>))]

  • In situations two and three, remember to resolve the double black issue; the order is not critical

  • When judging LR/RL types, do not directly judge whether the LL subtree is black

    • It may be black, or it may be double black
    • [Double black] Because LL may be a NIL node, and NIL nodes are shared in memory, their color may be double black
    • 【Judgment Transformation】 Judging that the LL subtree is black 👉 not red
  • Add deletion operation to the main function

  • [Result Example]

    • image-20201224204347200
    • Demonstrated three situations, results see the list
    • NIL is shared in memory, may all be double black

[PS] After the refinement of a generation of captains, it took less than 4 hours to explain red-black trees from scratch, with less than 200 lines of code.

In-Class Exercise#

HZOJ-64: Pirate Red-Black Tree#


Sample Input

1 1
1 2
1 3
3 0
2 2
3 0

Sample Output

1 1 0 0
2 1 1 3
3 1 0 0
1 1 0 3
3 0 0 0
  • Based on the final code of the code demonstration part, ① Adjust input and output
  • ② And modify the adjustment strategy for situation one in insertion adjustment [no laziness]
    • image-20210203131418887
    • Swap the two parts of the code, first check if a conflict has occurred; if there is a conflict, then distinguish between situation one and situation two

Additional Knowledge Points#

  • ⭐ When analyzing adjustment strategies, be clear about which points have determined colors
    • Its importance is equivalent to grasping the tree height in AVL tree adjustment strategies
  • The focus is on the thought process! Not just the adjustment strategy


  • Coding skills are an independent skill set, distinct from algorithm and data structure thinking, so it is not a simple repetition of theoretical knowledge
  • When you do not regard your time as money, it is difficult to achieve a leap in class
  • Preview for the next lesson: Huffman Tree [+ Huffman Coding], String Matching Algorithms [Preview KMP]

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