30 | Register a GitHub Account#
Registration URL: https://github.com/signup
Use your email to register.
31 | Configure Public and Private Keys#
Scenario: Want to use the SSH protocol instead of the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
Advantage: No need to enter a username and password, successful identity verification is based on matching public and private keys.
Steps🌟: Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account——Github Docs
- Generate local public and private keys👉Upload the public key to GitHub
Article I wrote about SSH principles: Implementation and Essential Considerations of Passwordless SSH Login——DoubleLLL3
32 | Create a Personal Repository on GitHub#
Steps🌟: Create a repo——Github Docs
- Owner can also choose the organization you belong to
- Public visibility means it is visible to others, but commit permissions need to be configured separately
- README file helps the repository be indexed by search engines
- If you already have a README file locally, it is not recommended to check "Add a README file" to avoid conflicts
- Licenses: Content without a license is protected by copyright by default
- MIT License is a permissive license that allows others to do anything with your code, as long as they give you credit and don't hold you liable for any risks associated with the use of the code
- Reference: How to Choose an Open Source License for Your GitHub Project?——Zhihu
33 | Synchronize Local Repository with GitHub#
Steps: Add remote server -> Pull and merge❗️ -> Push
Add remote server:
git remote add github [email protected]:doubleLLL3/git_learning.git
Here, github
is the remote alias, followed by the corresponding HTTPS or SSH address, which can be copied from GitHub.
Check the list of remote servers using git remote -v
Adding successful!
At this point, git push github --all
will result in an error:
Apart from the master branch, all other branches are successfully pushed.
Git provides a clear error message: a pull is required.
PS: If the remote branch is not an ancestor of the local branch, they are not fast-forwards. Conversely, if they are fast-forwards, they usually need to be resolved through rebase
or merge
So, pull first: git fetch github
Successfully fetched the master branch from the remote github. Now, check the branch graph using gitk --all
It can be seen that the master branch on the github side is not related to the local master branch.
Now, associate the two master branches through rebase or merge:
git checkout master
: Make sure to switch to the master branch first
git merge github/master --allow-unrelated-histories
: Merge the remote master branch into the local master branch, and enter the commit message.
⚠️: --allow-unrelated-histories
is needed to explicitly allow the merging of two unrelated branches.
Now, check the branch graph again using gitk --all
The relationship is successfully established, and the latest commit of the master branch has two parent commits.
🌟 : git pull
includes both git fetch
and git merge
, and git pull --rebase
includes both git fetch
and git rebase
Finally, push the master branch: git push github master
Let's take a look at our GitHub repository:
The newly added file looks familiar, doesn't it~
So far, we have interacted with GitHub!