Workplace | As someone who is just starting out in the workplace, after reading "Us in the Workplace: A Guide for Beginners," I would like to give myself three pieces of advice.

❌Not enough, 14 sentences.

📢: The full text is 2162 words long and takes about 6 minutes to read. You can also skip to the end to read the essence of the full text. 😛

On the first day of work, the scenery is still good


In the onboarding training at the company, I happened to watch a clip from the video "Us, newcomers to the workplace": an intern went to a room alone before giving a presentation, simulated the entire presentation process, including anticipating questions from the audience, and constantly refuted oneself from different perspectives, and then improved the speech...

This reminded me of every person who has outstanding improvisational skills. It is not simply relying on talent, but more on fully prepared behind the scenes.

So, as a newcomer to the workplace, I don't know if you have the same doubts as me❓ Do you not know how to make the best choice when faced with multiple options? Does entering the workplace really mean smoothing out your edges?... It's okay, maybe this article can answer your questions after reading it~

14 sentences, let me take you through "Us, newcomers to the workplace" ❗️

1 What do I want to do? What can I do? What value can I create?#

The first thing to do before entering a company is to clarify these three questions and bravely express them to your colleagues at the appropriate time👷. This way, you can maximize your own value.

2 Value the pressure test given by your boss#

When you realize that your boss is assigning you tasks beyond your capabilities, you should feel fortunate. This means that your boss has higher expectations for you. Bravely take on the challenge~

3 When time is limited, prioritize tasks#

It is especially important to prioritize tasks when facing multiple tasks. Often, it is important to consider doing well after completing the tasks. Perfection is not achieved overnight, but through continuous improvement~

4 Summarize more in practice, look back, and don't be satisfied with the past#

Even if a task is successfully completed, don't be satisfied too early. The later review is important. It allows you to discover your strengths in this task and areas where you can do better. This way, you can continue to maintain these strengths👍 in the next task and learn from the previous experience to correct any shortcomings.

The reason why AI algorithm models are extraordinary is not only because of data, but also because they can review thousands of times~

5 When you are overly prepared, don't forget the central theme#

Being well-prepared is the foundation for performing well on stage, but focusing too much on details can easily deviate from the central theme

6 Your achievements may not always be planned#

We should have our own plans, but when changes occur, we should also face them with a calm mindset💧. Not everything can go according to your plan. Adapt to changes flexibly, or think about how to deal with them during the review. Then, when the next change comes, it will be planned for you.

7 The real turning point is seizing the opportunity with 100% effort#

Don't rush for success. Good luck is hidden in hard work. Every experience lays the foundation for success. Value the cultivation of internal strength and do well in every seemingly ordinary task. When opportunities come🌊, you will have the ability to seize them.

8 Many situations can be consulted with seniors#

For many of your current dilemmas, it is worth consulting with seniors who have gone through similar experiences. Don't limit yourself to complaining to friends around you.

9 Don't rely on others' praises to live, in the end, you still have to rely on yourself#

Know yourself in order to find the right direction🧭.

There are many ways to know yourself. Take advantage of your youth to try more and make more mistakes. Don't easily be influenced by external factors and lose yourself. The ability to stay true to yourself is valuable.

10 Bosses generally like people who dare to speak up#

When you have different ideas, dare to express them. This is a reflection of your abilities and the reason why companies need fresh blood🩸. If you always think that refuting others' opinions will offend people, your avoidance may also avoid your own abilities.

So, show your initiative and creativity instead of blindly conforming.

11 Reject student-style presentations#

When giving presentations, the emphasis on logical structure is important. Don't stick to reciting like in your student days.

Try to incorporate some prescribed actions and optional actions into the presentation. Prescribed actions can represent the main line and keywords🔑 of the presentation, while optional actions depend on the audience's interest. When the audience is interested in a certain part😯, you can talk more🎙️ about it, and vice versa.

12 Be brave when you need to be brave, and don't be restless when you need to be calm#

Be brave when you need to perform and stay calm when you need to focus.

13 Be down-to-earth in your work, and how to implement ideas is equally important as the ideas themselves#

Creativity is valuable, but execution and problem-solving abilities are equally important.

14 Don't make decisions based on emotions#

Control anger💢 before it arises. The best way to control emotions is to remember this before becoming emotional.

Essence of the full text#

1: What do I want to do? What can I do? What value can I create?

2: Value the pressure test given by your boss

3: Prioritize tasks when time is limited

4: Summarize more in practice, look back, and don't be satisfied with the past

5: When you are overly prepared, don't forget the central theme

6: Your achievements may not always be planned

7: The real turning point is seizing the opportunity with 100% effort

8: Many situations can be consulted with seniors

9: Don't rely on others' praises to live, in the end, you still have to rely on yourself

10: Bosses generally like people who dare to speak up

11: Reject student-style presentations

12: Be brave when you need to be brave, and don't be restless when you need to be calm

13: Be down-to-earth in your work, and how to implement ideas is equally important as the ideas themselves

14: Don't make decisions based on emotions

Bonus: 14 sentences are not enough#

  • It is more about finding yourself than finding a job.
  • Try to discover your own uniqueness: whether it is professional knowledge, work ability, or the ability to create a good atmosphere.
  • A team requires diversity, and everyone is needed.
  • People with affinity have more possibilities, while individuals with strong personalities may be limited to a fixed position.
  • Fear of the boss is due to lack of confidence. Increasing your own strength can increase your confidence.
  • Doing ordinary things well is what makes a great person.
  • University may be your second mother, so visit often.
  • When receiving guests, try to simulate every detail of their arrival and consider everything.
  • When chatting with guests, be generous and comfortable. When you are happy, bravely express your feelings.
  • From birth to meeting to getting to know to parting, this is the panorama of life, and it is the same in the workplace.

Conclusion: Chicken soup or strength#

After listening to these 14 sentences, you may think it's like drinking a bowl of thick chicken soup🥣, but if you can remember some of these words when you are confused😖 and they bring you strength👊🏻, then it is worth writing this article.

Finally, it can be seen that the word "brave" is mentioned multiple times in this article. I believe it is the most important quality for newcomers to the workplace, and it may be the quality I need the most. So, what do you think is the most important quality for you as a newcomer to the workplace? Feel free to leave a comment~

Lastly, I wish everyone entering the workplace to bravely create their own value!

- It's getting cold in Shenzhen too, stay warm~

October 25, 2021

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